Summer walks are ideal for us humans, nicer weather, longer evenings, an excuse to get yourself out…. even to a pub garden. However, the warmer weather does cause some issues for your furry friend.




Barking Bags top tips to keeping your dog safe this summer


  • Use pet-safe sun cream on exposed parts of your pet's skin, such as the tips of their ears and nose, to avoid sunburn. -This is especially important if your dog has white or light-coloured fur, as they can be very vulnerable to getting burnt. If you're unsure which is the right product to use, please ask your vet.


  • Ensure pets always have access to shade and fresh drinking water to help keep them cool. Put ice cubes into your dog's water bowl or make some tasty ice cube treats. You could also freeze a Kong with treats and water!


  • Groom them regularly. Grooming more often in warmer weather can help brush away any dead or excess hair, leaving your dog with a less dense coat - much better for staying cool!


  • Give your pet damp towels to lie on or an ice pack wrapped in a towel. Both simple methods could provide welcome relief from the heat.


  • Never leave dogs in hot cars, conservatories, outbuildings, or caravans on a warm day (even if only for a short while). When it's 22°C outside, temperatures can quickly rise to 47°C (117°F) in these environments, which can be fatal.



Walking your dog in hot weather


Dogs need exercise, even when it's hot. We recommend walking your dog in the morning or evening when it's cooler to reduce the risk of heatstroke and burning their paws on the pavement. Do you know the signs of heatstroke and what to do if you spot them?



What to do if your dog overheats?

If dogs are too hot and can’t reduce their body temperature by panting, they may develop heatstroke which can be fatal. 


What are Symptoms of heatstroke in dogs?

  • Panting heavily 

  • Drooling excessively 

  • Appears lethargic, drowsy, or uncoordinated 

  • Vomiting 

  • Collapsing 

  • Diarrhoea

Heatstroke can affect any type of dog, but certain breeds and types of dogs are at increased risk, including brachycephalic or flat-faced breeds such as English Bulldogs, Pugs and French Bulldogs. According to recent research, English Bulldogs are fourteen times more likely to suffer heat-related illness compared to Labrador Retrievers. Over a third of owners of flat-faced dogs reported that heat regulation is a problem for their pet.



It's important to always be prepared and aware of walking your dog in the warmer days, but it’s also important to make sure you’re prepared, we’re able to carry everything we need like our own water, sun cream, sun glasses, snacks and more as well everything we need for Maisie in our own Barking Bag.

Signs of burnt pads

Try the 5-second test - if it's too hot for your hands, it's too hot for paws! You can also look out for...

  • Limping or refusing to walk

  • Licking or chewing at the feet

  • Pads darker in colour

  • Missing part of pad

  • Blisters or redness


June 01, 2022 — Reece Hussain