This time of year has the potential to be fun filled for our pets, with trips to the beach for some and longer days to enjoy summer walks. The season can present certain hazards, from overheating, to bites and stings and toxic stagnant water.

A few simple tips will help you prepare and make sure you can enjoy the Summer.
We encourage our customers to carry suncream in their bags as it is easy to catch the sun when out walking with your dogs. Did you know that dogs can also suffer sun burn, and any exposed skin on your dog’s body is at risk . Luckily, their fur protects most of your dog, but if your dog has any bald patches or thinning make sure you protect them pet-safe sunscreen, with Pet safe sunscreen.
Their paws can also burn easily, especially when walking on hot tarmac, shingle or sand. If it is too hot for you to walk on without shoes, its too hot for your dog. A pet paw balm will help protect them but avoid hot paths whenever you can.
Even warm days can be extremely dangerous for our canine companions and that is especially true for for flat face breeds or overweight dogs, who will find it difficult to breathe and cool down naturally. Make sure you keep them hydrated; carrying water and a collapsible bowl is easy with a Barking Bags. During hot weather it is important to find shade for your dog, it them are on a lead they can’t do what comes naturally and hid in the shade and relax, so you need to think for them. Take walks during the cooler times in the day and avoid games that involve running or fetch. If you suspect your dog has heatstroke, contact the vet immediately. And NEVER leave your dog in a parked car when the temperature can rise very quickly but they can’t escape.

Using water to cool down
Some dogs are always drawn to water, so offering your dogs, a chance to cool off in water can be real joy for you both, but a few simple tips will help you stay safe. Even if you are confidently that your dog is a good swimmer, find out if the river or stream is safe and doesn’t have a strong current. Numerous dog owners have got into difficulties themselves, trying to save a beloved pet from drowning.
Stagnant water, even in large lakes, can contain Blue green algae; a dangerous bacteria that grows during warm weather. It’s important to know how to recognise blue green algae because it can be deadly if it’s swallowed, and it’s not always obvious unless you know what you’re looking for. Check out on Facebook pages and vets notice boards as they often post information about the presence of Blue green algae. If you have any concern that your pet has been in contaminated water, consult the vets straight away.

Sadly, the changing climate seems to be favoured by a number of parasites so it is much more common to see ticks and mosquitos in the summer.. Ticks are unlikely to cause any problems if they are removed quickly and properly, but some carry diseases such as ‘Lyme disease’ which can cause illness in dogs. Local dog groups may put out posts advising on where ticks have been found. Our local deer park seems to have issues easy year, so local knowledge can be invaluable, Where possible, to stick to paths and open areas without long grass. If you live in an area that is known for ticks, it’s sensible to speak to your vet about tick treatments or repellents and if you carry a Poorly Paws first aid kit they contain tick removers and advice on how to find and remove them.

Insect bites and stings
Dogs are just a susceptible to insect and wasp stings. If an area of their body becomes red and swollen, it could be a bite or sting. Your vet will be able to offer advice. For the most part it will just be irritating but if your dog has an allergic, swelling rapidly, or their breathing is affected, it’s important to act quickly!
Snake bites
Sniffing in log grass is a dogs idea of heaven, but it they happened to come across a snake it could be bad news. Luckily, most snakes in the UK are non-venomous, but if an adder attack could be serious. If you spot the snake try and remember what it looks like so you can offer a description to the vet. Little dogs might suffer more but any size dog could have a serious reaction so don’t hesitate to get to the vet straight away.