As dog owners we all want what’s best for our beloved pooches but if your faithful friend suddenly got ill or injured on a walk, would you know what to do? As your dog’s best human chum, one of the best ways in which you can keep your pet safe is by learning dog first aid.
It’s the same idea as adult or baby first aid but specially designed with dogs in mind.

Why would I need to learn dog first aid?
Every year a record number of dogs are sadly involved in in road traffic accidents, suffer badly from heatstroke or accidentally swallow poisonous substances. Knowing what to do in an emergency can mean vital care for your pooch and buy you and your dog time to get to a vet.
Just like first aid for us humans, you never know when you might need it. Knowing just the basics could be lifesaving and help longer term with your dog’s recovery. You could also be out exercising your dog and come across another dog walker who needs help.

How do I learn dog first aid?
There are lots of courses you can book online but if you’re struggling to find one, you can ask at your vets who should hopefully be able to point you in the right direction. You could also start watching videos which might cover basics to help deal with choking, heatstroke, shock, or poisoning.
The next step will be to have a dog first aid kit with you, which can be left in your car or carried in your Barking Bag.

What comes in the Poorly Paws First Aid Kit?
- 4 x Alcohol-Free Sterile Cleansing Wipes
- 1 x Disposable Gloves
- 1 x Tick Remover (3 sizes)
- 1 x Tweezers
- 1 x Saline Solution
- 1 x Disposable Tourniquet
- 1 x Scissors
- 2 x Dressing Pads
- 1 x Torch
- 1 x Conforming Bandage
- 1 x Cohesive Bandage
- 1 x Microporous Tape

Once you have a kit, it’s time to think about how to store and carry your dog’s vital information (name, breed, any health conditions etc.)
Why do I need to carry my dog’s information?
Keeping notes on you about your dog, as well as their health, vaccine & microchip details is vital in case of an emergency. A hard copy is ideal as this can easily be updated as well as providing easy access for anyone on the scene.
It’s also a good idea to log your pooch’s vet details in case a pet sitter or guardian is looking after your dog when emergency strikes.