Did you know the Law has changed?

Have you found it difficult to find pet friendly accommodation?
Is this applied to you, you are not alone. According to a recent survey by the Dogs Trust, 78% of pet owners have had trouble finding accommodation which accepts pets.
Heart breaking, isn’t it? We all know that pets become more than just a pet, they are part of the family. This is why we have some amazing news that could help you now and the future…
Did you know the laws have changed recently regarding pets in rented accommodation?
From 28th January 2021 the law changed now making it easier for you to move with your pets; under the new Model Tenancy Agreement, announced by Housing Minister Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP, landlords will no longer be able to issue blanket bans on pets. Now with this change in the law as long as you continue to pass the checks requested by your landlord and prove you’re a responsible tenant and your pets are well-behaved, there shouldn’t be too much of an issue.
It’s important to keep up to date with law changes and use them to your advantage, right now only 7% of landlords advertise they are pet friendly. It’s a shame that this hasn’t increased since the law changed.
If you are currently in rented accommodation and your current contract stipulates ‘NO Pets’ , you can challenge this and you can certainly challenge new contracts which imply you cannot have pets
Are landlords still allowed to say no?
With the new law, it states landlords can’t straight up tell you no without a legitimate reason for not allowing pets. (which is part of the Consumer Rights Act 2015)
One of the main reason’s landlords say no to pets is down the potential damage they could cause to the property, flea infestations, damaged carpets/flooring, and walls. This could lead to additional work / maintenance with higher costs when preparing for a new tenant or during your lease. To ensure landlords are protected, tenants will continue to have a legal duty to repair or cover the cost of any damage to the property.
A concern expressed by some landlords who say the legal changes coming was around the lack of space, arguing that it isn’t fair on the pet or pets. Imagine small flats with no garden or in a high block of flats. Smaller pets may well be able to adapt to smaller spaces but dogs and cats too, need space. Pet lovers know that having the correct space and environment for our pets is essential if we are to keep them happy and healthy.
How do landlords feel about this change?
Right now, only 7% of landlords advertise they are pet friendly but if they were more open to advertising as being pet friendly, it could help them fill vacant properties. By allowing pets, the landlord opens up to a wider audience, and it becomes a lot easier to find tenants, and minimise vacant periods. We believe that landlords may well start to embrace the changes. According to ‘Pet Friendly Rentals’ landlord will be decreasing their potential market by as much as 50%, if they do not proactively promote themselves as pet friendly.

Options before you move…
If finding the accommodation has impacted on your decision to take on a pet then maybe it is time think again… Owning a pet is a big responsibility and you need to get it right for you and our pets, but once you have sought advice from people in the know, such as vets, pet retailers and trainers or animal behaviouralists, most of whom will give you honest and helpful advice, then be prepared.
If your landlord Is on the fence, it might be an option for them to meet your pet. Give them the chance to see how your pet behaves and let them see for themselves how well-behaved they are. If you’ve rented before with your pet, you can always get a reference from your previous landlord to vouch for you & your beloved pet.
In doing research, we’ve discovered that some landlords like to see vet records as reassurance that the pets are well looked after and free from infections / fleas.
Extra charges?
The big question!
Deposits can be a huge weight on your shoulders, but luckily since 2019 with the Tenant Fees Act 2019 Landlord deposits have been capped (regardless of whether their tenants have pets or not). Landlords can take no more than five week’s rent upfront as a deposit if the annual rent Is less than £50,000. If the annual rent is more than £50,000 then it’s capped at six weeks.